This title may seem obvious to some, but the truth of it could save you a lot of money. Perhaps you have read that you need patience in order to get Cheap travel to Europe. This is true--sometimes! But then again, sometimes waiting and "being patient" is the worst thing you can do if you want to get cheap travel to Europe.
So am I talking out of both sides of my mouth? Is the case of getting cheap airline tickets to Europe the same as that of winning the lottery? No. I don't believe it is. For starters, there are way better chances of you getting cheap travel to Europe than of you winning (big) at the lottery! Trust me. Part of the reason that the chances are better is that you can educate yourself about the prices of tickets and you can wait or hurry to get the cheapest tickets.
What you need to know to find cheap travel to Europe:
Basically you just need to decide what cities you want to fly in and out of and then you need to find out what the best prices are. If you read some of my other posts you will see some prices but of course those are subject to change with time, fuel prices, taxes etc. So don't rely solely on my prices. Especially with other cities. You want to find the best airline prices for your city pairs, not mine. What does it mean to do some research? I think the quickest way to find Cheap travel to Europe is to ask a travel agent. You may not think that I like using them because I am always looking for travel deals to Europe on my own. But if you have absolutely no idea of what a good price even is, ask a professional. If they can give you the best prices, go through them to get them. If not, get your tickets form other sources, such as the internet. Your travel agent or your own research online can help you to set your target price(s). Once you have those, look around. If you find them, buy! If you don't, wait. You can have your travel agent look for a while or even set email alerts on price drops to your destinations. Be ready to buy when the pieces fall into place and you find sufficiently cheap travel to Europe.
When to stop waiting:
If your travel times are NOT flexible, then you have to look well ahead of time and be thinking about that. You definitely don't want to wait past the three week before the trip stage anyway. That is when most ticket discounts will end completely and you'll be looking at full price tickets within that time period. If your travel time is flexible, just keep an eye out and watch for when the price is right and then just jump in.
Getting Cheap travel to Europe is not a science but being aware of what your target is and grabbing it when it's available is the key! Of course a little luck never hurt anybody either! So good luck and happy hunting!