Monday, 18 September 2006

Historical periods, survey sites, UNESCO World Heritage

1. UNESCO World Heritage sites. See for World Heritage sites he has visited; then roam about his pages for photos all over the world - and organized, sometimes, into other categories than mere countries - the Roman World, for example. Also: UNESCO World Heritage sites: United Kingdom

2. History.

2.1 Feudal societies, Roman Empire, overview of European migrations and those affecting Europe: see the History of Central Europe at //

2.2 Sites with different perspectives on history: This site says that our esteemed idea of Renaissance in the 15th century was nothing. Instead, look at the 12th Century. Names names. For an unusual topic, "The Renaissance Myth," see There are always new ways of sorting information.

2.3 Overall, for history go to the Internet History Sourcebook site at It includes film, everything you could want. You get lost in it, going from one link to another. I used the top menu rather than the side one.

2.4 Middle Ages: try

2.5 Surveys and commentaries: See ancient world, voices, photos, Queen Victoria, the death of a child in 1890, and a red light district in 1843, and other focused (not just survey) topics; see also the World Association of International Studies on history at">WAIS on history. These are a series of brief commentaries.

3. Country-specific themes: English towns: see [others are also listed, not in England; and other topics such as plague}

Electric Scotland:

4. Where to go: Internet "hotlist" on middle ages:

5. Myths - Forest myths around the world: at

6. Monasticism - at

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