Wednesday, 13 June 2007

New URL - and Summary of Themes

We follow people in music, the military, history, invasions, and storybooks. Meet Mozart in Vienna. From this chance encounter, Dan wants to see Salzburg next trip. Perhaps.

This site is a repotting of our earlier Common Thread Road Ways. All the earlier posts are now here, because I could not remember "common thread."

Summary of our themes to date, to which we add Wolfgang Amadeus:

We have no method for our itineraries except what happens to be where we find ourselves. We follow signs for any real or fictional person that looked interesting; and look up festivals or events. We compare issues and concepts, such as the Vlad Tepes (Impaler) sites in Romania, with Bram Stoker's "Dracula." See site at Romania Road Ways Vlad Tepes (Dracula). We take 2-3 guidebooks and then it's off in some direction.

We go to celebrations. And are grateful for our own health and safety each day.

This is at the Dracula Club in Bucharest. At Halloween. Time your trip to match something fun. This site lists festivals by country:; and

We find some folks by chance - see James Joyce at a cafe in Pula, Croatia, near the old Roman gate, ad our hub site Europe Road Ways.

We found Ernest Hemingway is at Pamplona, Spain, of course. Spain Road Ways.
Joan of Arc is all over northern France. France Road Ways. The Brothers Grimm are in Germany.
The Romans were all over. Germany Road Ways.
Find Napoleon at Austerlitz, Czech Road Ways; and Paris, France Road Ways; and Slovenia, at Bratislava, Slovakia Road Ways.

We dogged Robin Hood, King Arthur, Dickens, Chaucer, Thomas a Becket, and Peter Pan in England. And the Prince of Wales and Edward II in Wales. Wales Road Ways.

There are Robert the Bruce and William Wallace (Freedom!), Nessie and Rob Roy MacGregor in Scotland. Scotland Road Ways.
King Lot at Orkney. Orkney Road Ways.
Samuel Johnson at Dunvegan at Skye. Scotland Road Ways. Samuel Johnson's biography is at Look at the resources, bio 20 section. Also, information on the Huns is at, the section on Huns; and how they helped the spread of the Black Death (among many other factors) and other matters about the Plague are at, the section on plague.

Find Robert the Bruce at, the Wallace and then Bruce6 section; Leonardo da Vinci at;
Charles Dickens at, at authors, dickens,dickensbio1;
Julius Caesar and a historical chronology at

7. There will be plenty of road signs for big, and little, sights on the way. The emphasis is "on the way." See as you go.

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